Friday, November 12, 2010

First Buzz List WINNER

I loved Alissa's entry, and she graciously allowed me to share it with you.

I think one of the things I am most proud of is how open I am with other people. Yes, that could just be considered "that Alissa, she really likes to talk about herself..." but I do think it is important that I am always willing to share my experiences - the good, the bad and the ugly - if it will help others. A specific example comes to mind from earlier this week. As you may know from FB posts, my second son Seth was born via gestational surrogacy. I have always been very open about it and so a colleague from work asked if she could put me in touch with a friend of hers who is just starting to explore surrogacy. Of course, I said yes. We spoke a few weeks ago, and then just Monday went out for lunch so that we could talk in more detail and in person. I am privileged to have gone through such a unique experience and help others who are considering the same. I completely respect the fact that many people prefer to keep such personal matters to themselves, but knowing how I craved information as I was going through this a few years ago, I do think that being open, honest and willing to share with others makes a difference!

Thanks Alissa--hope you enjoy the chocolate!!

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