Friday, November 12, 2010


I shared this in a recent JOYmail, and got some wonderful responses. Join in the fun, and share your own Buzz List below!

First, know this: (1) EVERYBODY can make a difference, and (2) you already do.

To help you fully embody that knowledge, I invite you to do the following:

1. Visit for an incredibly powerful, heartbreaking, inspiring and ultimately hopeful message, and an opportunity to take part in creating change NOW.

2. Take a five-minute time-out and actively think about the difference YOU make simply by being here, by being yourself, by showing up in the world.

3. Write down everything you come up with. Just let it flow out of you--it all counts: making great pancakes, volunteering at a shelter, donating toys, reading to your child, smiling at strangers, taking a stand for your clients, creating anything at all... This is your Buzz List; I want these things buzzing around your head, reminding you of how awesome you already are and how much good you bring to the world.

4. Consider inviting your friends to do this exercise too, and then send each other your favorite discoveries. Saying it to yourself is one thing, but being willing to claim it out loud is a whole other level of owning your greatness.

5. Post your favorite item on your Buzz List in a comment below. Share the difference you make that makes you proudest, and tell me why. Remember what I just said about saying things out loud? Posting online counts too. Plus, the farther you put it out in the world, the greater your ability to inspire others. (You can email me directly at

I can't wait to hear you toot your own horn, and to celebrate the wonder of humanity by learning about the acts of creativity, kindness, generosity, beauty and love that you share with the world.

Much joy to you!!

1 comment:

  1. I have always been very reticent at blowing my own trumpet. I have always done things quietly, so opening up to say to people, hey I did this, is rather difficult for me. But however, you asked for it, so here it is. I have been through a lot of hard times in my life but have always been there for others. Maybe what I went through had to happen so I could relate to and help others. I have done many years of voluntary work, the latest being 15 years with the local police. I enjoy this work very much. I am also a disabled pensioner with no savings or home, due to problems I encountered in life, so 2 years ago after writing numerous letters to the government to get more money for pensioners and getting nowhere, I put a notice in the paper. Wanted bread and food donations for struggling pensioners. You see I figured that if I was doing it tough then so were many others. So if I could not only help myself but others this way then that was what I wanted to do. I had a great response & started a weekly food giveaway with help from some other volunteers. I did this for 2 years while also talking with a church organisation who ran a storehouse offering cheap food to pensioners in another town 30kms from me. They kept saying they would start a storehouse but it went on and on. However they did keep to their word & now 2 years down the track I help in the storehouse that has been set up & am thrilled to see something I dreamt about come to fruition through my persistance. It is very rewarding considering most days I am in terrible pain from many spinal problems & illnesses, for which I am down on a list for a major spine operation. Satisfaction is in doing for others.
