Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 11

Victory! Double victory!!

Clothes, done. And today we did five loads of laundry and super-quick folded everything and put it away. It was a little crazy--we were leaving town for the weekend and decided, insanely, to do laundry before we left. And then we (my husband, really) didn't want to come home to upheaval so we madly folded and shelved and hung everything while packing, feeding the baby and checking our email (OK, my email, but just for two very specific things).

The good news is--well, the first good news is that we have clean clothes and the apartment looks great. But the second good news is that I now know the laundry can get done and put away relatively quickly, as long as I set aside the time to do it.

Sometimes I get upset when I discover that something that I've been resisting, avoiding, or excusing myself from doing is easier than I thought it would be. It means I can't use the excuses so much anymore. It means that I've actually been making choices all along, and now that I know it's within my power to make different choices I have to accept that whatever the outcome is, it's in my hands.

And sometimes I see beyond that and am encouraged. Reality can deflate the anxiety, resistance and frustration surrounding a particular obstacle. Simply seeing how long a task actually takes and how painless it can be can wake me up and move the task from the "dread list" into "routine."

And sometimes it goes back and forth and shifts slowly. I've been shifting the laundry category over in my mind for about two months now and it's definitely getting easier. So that's good news too! Not a bad day's work.

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