Friday, August 21, 2009

Day 5

Success again!

I'm realizing this is more than a one-event-per-day process. I kind of thought I'd just have a few things to put away at night before I went to bed, but it turns out I have to deal with:

1. The clothes I slept in
2. The clothes I change out of over the course of the day, which can collect at an alarming rate depending on whether I'm working with clients, going to the gym (OK, those don't pile up that much), heading to the playground, hanging around the apartment, or getting alternately soaked or steamed up during this insane New York summer
3. Well, it's really just those two categories, but #2 is really a lot

So I'm making it as easy as possible: Sleep clothes can be tossed into the drawer if I just can't deal with folding them, and the rest-of-the-day clothes can stay on my bed if necessary, as long as they get put away before the end of the day.

That seems to be working. Also the fact that it's such a sweaty summer helps, because then I don't feel guilty about tossing clothes into the laundry instead of hanging them up.

Here's to making your life easier, one step at a time. Cheers!

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