Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day 6

Done. With some minor adjustments.

I decided that if there was a good reason to leave clothes out overnight, as there was last night, I could do it neatly and put them away the next morning, which would be a reasonable amendment to my goal. I went back and forth a bit, wondering if I was just making excuses (it's too dark, I can't turn on the light, and I can't see what I'm doing, so it's ridiculous to fumble around and try to put my clothes away), and then concluded that it's reasonable to accommodate the things life throws at you without being too rigid or flipping out.

The whole point of this new habit is to prevent buildup of more than one day, so if I put the previous day's clothes away before the new day really starts, it still works. Another benefit to this modification was that I hung my clothes on the back of my desk chair, which is one of those chairs with a mesh back and sits right across from my bed. It wasn't until three nights ago that I realized that my computer lights glow really brightly and the only thing that had been blocking them from view when I went to sleep was the fact that there were always clothes draped over my chair!

While covering the lights again with my clothes again was a clutch move, it is obviously not a viable long-term solution. So I'll be working on an alternative light-blocker as I continue down my path towards a clear and happy home.

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