Saturday, August 29, 2009

Days 12 & 13

Oops. Yesterday I was seriously congratulating myself for really pulling together the clothes that were starting to get scattered across the guest bedroom we're staying in, and thinking about how proudly I could blog about it when I realized that I'd run out of time to blog.

We observe shabbos (the Jewish sabbath) and I don't use electricity on Friday nights or Saturdays, which means all computer-related activities need to be completed before sundown on Friday. I'd spent a huge chunk of the day on the computer finishing an article about whether technology really can help students who are struggling with learning issues (yes and no), then played with and fed the baby, cleaned up, and promptly had my little epiphany about blog-time.

I was shocked and disappointed that I was going to miss the blog for the first time, and that I was breaking the commitment I'd made. But it was what it was, and the best I could do was learn a lesson and move on.

So I guess the lesson has to do with time management and bigger pictures. Time management in terms of getting the important things done earlier, even if it's a quick and dirty job, just to be sure they get done; and bigger pictures in terms of what's really important at the end of the day, and to me, lately, that's been to spend time with my son, and if that means changing my life up a bit to fit in one more walk or game or meal, then that's going to be my choice for now. (By the way, "for now" are two of the best words my business coach ever shared with me. Try them out--they're great for relieving pressure and anxiety in most situations!)

I know it's a balance between doing the things that will help me learn and grow and better myself, and the things that just make me happy. It's also a balance between holding myself accountable/being responsible, and not beating myself up for forgetting things/messing up/doing things differently than I'd planned. I imagine this will always be something to figure out as I go along, but being conscious of the choice does help.

So, to get back to the clothes--not bad. I'm consciously taking the time throughout the day to fold and stow, neaten and straighten, and it's better than it used to be when we traveled. It's not gorgeous, since I decided not to bother unpacking everything for the four days we're going to be here, so most clothes are still living in bags, but it's more contained than usual and I'm putting the time in. I feel like it's a great step in the right direction, which works for me. For now.

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