Friday, September 4, 2009

Day 19

Super-fast post:
  1. I'm psyched that my time management improved enough today that (a) dinner's in the oven and will actually be ready on time, and (b) I didn't run out of time to blog.
  2. A big help was having our little mother's helper come over (so cute! She's a 7th grader who wants to learn how to babysit!!) to could play with the baby so I could get stuff done. I still forget how hard it is to do ANYTHING with a little guy climbing everywhere, emptying everything, and pleading to sit on your lap while you're typing.
  3. I decided not to risk going into the baby's room last night to put my clothes away, so I put away everything I could in my room and hung a couple of things on my chair. The good news is that it wasn't that noticeable. The bad news is that it wasn't that noticeable only because the chair was piled high with our clothes from the trip.
  4. I'm working on getting the trip clothes away. (Critical Parent: You are pathetic!!! Why can't you just put the clothes away?!?! Everybody else just comes home and unpacks!) (Adult Voice: That is so not true. You need to set aside time to do it, and you need to be able to focus on it so you can get it done. You didn't have much time for that today.) (Nurturing Parent: And you took care of yourself today by getting your mother's helper to help--and you did laundry as soon as she got here! It really does make a difference; stop being so hard on yourself.) (CP: But there are tons of people who do this without any help whatsoever!) (NP: OK, and there are tons of people who don't. So what? Let's just focus on what works best for Jen and not worry about what anyone else is doing.)
  5. I also started a cleanse two and a half days ago, and it is wiping me out. I think it's a good thing though, as if it suddenly became time to clean out every corner of my life and nourish myself so I can see what grows.

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