Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 39

Quick and dirty: Last night I put away all the clothes I could see, but this morning I found a cardigan buried in a work bag, and a pair of shoes hiding under my desk. I'm thinking of instituting a last-call roundup of all the vagabond clothing that needs to be led home at the end of the night. Though I'm going to have to start my whole routine earlier if tonight is any indication of my late-night trending.

In my quest for a well-balanced life, I let myself relax for THREE HOURS in front of the television. I felt compelled to watch Flash Forward (which was fairly ham-fisted and often laughable, but still somehow hard to resist) and Grey's Anatomy, which I never got into before but I since I saw the season finale I HAD to watch tonight.

Then my husband was so excited about a crossword puzzle he just created (yes, made up, all by himself) he asked me to fill it in, which I did, for 48 minutes. I was really proud of him, and of me for getting it, because those close were NOT easy. (It did help to have him next to me telling me if I got the answer right.)

Anyway, balance, choices, still working on it. I also need a chunk of time to focus on my desk because the "neatening" alone isn't going to hold out much longer. But I'm doing it every night, and every little bit does make a difference.

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