Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 25

I had a really happy birthday! I'm actually too tired and too full of the best chocolate hazelnut cake I've ever tasted to think straight right now, so I'll keep it short.

(1) I decided to give myself this year as a gift--a year free from expectations, both internal and external; a year during which I can do what I want to do, say what I want to say, and live how I want to live. I'll figure out what exactly that looks like as I go along by trying things out, playing around, making mistakes, and taking risks. And no one gets to judge me!

(2) I realized that if this 30-day shift really works, I can completely change my life in 12 months by doing just one tiny thing a day! I know there's a little more to it than that, but it blows my mind how quickly (and relatively painlessly) these first 30 days are passing, and I'm amazed by the fact that something that I had so much resistance to has released its negative energy and become routine.

It makes me a little nervous still, so I'm not going to make any grand assumptions yet, but the consistent forward movement has been encouraging. Wouldn't it be amazing if I let myself be for one year? If I got off my own back and relaxed? I guess we'll see... (ps--I got my clothes away last night, and I even hung up all the outfits I tried on and rejected for my birthday dinner this evening. THAT was huge. It's usually like a tornado is ripping through my closet when I'm trying to get dressed for an event, but somehow tonight I managed to get things back onto their hangers instead of dumping them on the floor (or throwing them at the mirror) and now I only have one outfit left to put away! That was a pretty good birthday present too.)

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